Is same sex attraction a sin?

Author: Danny Burk. In contemporary discussions of homosexuality, it is commonplace to distinguish homosexual orientation from homosexual behavior . Usually, the distinction goes something like this: Orientation refers to one’s inner disposition while behavior addresses one’s moral choices . John and Paul Feinberg state it this way: Homosexuality as a sexual orientation means that a person has a strong and abiding preference for members of the same sex and desires to act on that sexual preference… Homosexual behavior refers to specific sex acts between members of the same sex. [1] Some Christian ethicists take this observation a step further and argue that we must make a moral distinction between orientation and behavior. On this view, homosexual behavior is a choice and thus morally blameworthy . Homosexual orientation is not a choice and thus not morally blameworthy. This point of view has become routine even among some who identify themselves a...