Qld to outlaw 'gay conversion therapy'

Practices intended to change or suppress someone's sexual orientation or gender identity will be outlawed in Queensland, Australia. This is a Labor Government who are pro-homosexual marriage and pro-homosexual adoption who are not even allowing a confused child to receive counseling after being influenced by the LGBT agenda. THIS IS CHILD ABUSE The confused health minister Steven Miles said the following; "So-called gay conversion therapies will be made illegal and health practitioners caught carrying them out will face fines and time behind bars under a new law. The practices are immoral, unethical and have long been discredited by the medical sector." Yet many would say homosexual and gay marriage is immoral and wrong. On what basis does Steven Miles make his immoral claims? There are many who want to leave the homosexual lifestyle choice and need help but this minister has banned all help. This minister will apply a massive financial penalty if you do...