HRC & GLAAD Bullies - abuse Christian man

The gay lobby bullies are at it again. This time they've attacked one of the most popular Christians in America . They are calling him "vile" and say he is pushing "extreme stereotypes" and "lies." The grossly misnamed Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and their Hollywood ally GLAAD have demanded that this person and sacked. What is this man guilty of that would spur such "outrage" and result in him being banned by A&E? Phil Robertson told GQ magazine he believes that homosexuality is a sin. He says engaging in homosexuality is sinful. He says that "everything is blurred on what's right and wrong...sin becomes fine." He told the magazine (in colorful language) that he doesn't understand why a man would engage in homosexual sex when the beauty of a woman is available. And he also said that he doesn't judge anyone (that is the job of Almighty God , he says), that he loves all people, and that, "I would never ...