When our reporter called this Catholic teacher fired for defending marriage, she broke down in tears

Which two words best describe the reason LifeSiteNews.com exists? I could answer that a lot of ways – unborn babies, traditional marriage , Christian worldview – but I think I'll use these two words: Patricia Jannuzzi. If you haven't heard of Patricia Jannuzzi, she's the high school theology teacher at a Catholic school who is being persecuted for posting a message on Facebook upholding traditional marriage. In response to a story on her news feed about vile and vicious comments made by gay activist Dan Savage , Jannuzzi said the argument in favor of redefining marriage is “bologna.” That's it. That's the whole outrage. But ever since she said “bologna,” she's been put through the grinder. Unfortunately, one of the people who saw this message – on her private Facebook account – was the nephew of actress Susan Sarandon . She got her far-Left Hollywood friends to swoop down on the town and demand the school shut her up. But here's where the...