Same Sex Marriage: Implications for Christian Health Professionals by Neil Foster

Same Sex Marriage : Implications for Christian Health Professionals by Neil Foster I’d like to thank Catherine and Andrea for inviting me along tonight to discuss some of the legal implications for Christian health professionals of the introduction of same sex marriage in Australia . I think it is especially generous of medico’s to have a lawyer come into the room and even to offer them supper! I teach law at Newcastle Law School and have done so for about 23 years. Lately they have let me teach a course on “ Law and Religion ” to upper level law students, and this is one of the areas I am developing in teaching and research. You may also know that I run a blog on this topic.2 So I have done a bit of thinking about same sex marriage , which raises a number of law and religion issues (for reasons I will outline shortly). I should say that my own position is that same sex marriage was not a good legislative development, but o...