Don't believe Homosexual activist that the fight is over
English: David Cameron's picture on the 10 Downing Street website (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "Why do you fight so hard?" a gay activist asked me. They expected us to fold up our tent and go home by now. But instead, thanks to your help, NOM is fighting hard for marriage in difficult territory: Illinois, Delaware , and Minnesota—where one very rich billionaire announced he's putting more money into a coalition to get Republicans to vote for gay marriage . ( Great Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron tried that; remaking the Tories the pro-gay marriage party. He's paying for it by losing local elections, even as I write this, with a new poll showing gay marriage is a big part of the reason.) They certainly aren't giving up in France. Despite the government's best efforts to tamp down resistance,opposition to gay marriage keeps growing in an amazing grassroots, creative way. Here's the teaser video for the next big rally in Paris planned in...