Gayby Baby: promotes same-sex marriage agenda - a deadly disease movie for kids

Gay and lesbian groups have said the New South Wales Government is sending a message of intolerance by stopping a documentary on same-sex parenting from being shown in public schools. Churches have said the video is dangerous to the health of children. "The film, Gayby Baby, chronicles four children who have gay parents and how they navigate their way through life. It seeks to support the homosexual agenda and present all is well in the gay LGBT camp. Yet the reality is the LGBT community are intolerant of those who do not accept their view" It was to be the centrepiece of a campaign to indoctrinate schoolchildren about same-sex families as part of Wear it Purple Day on Friday , and has prompted backlash among normal families and parents. "Schools are where children go to study, they don't expect to see propaganda films promoting the homosexual lifestyle or same-sex relationships, especially while we're having a big debate over same-sex marria...