
Showing posts with the label Capital punishment

Are the homosexual prohibitions in leviticus universal?

How significant are the prohibitions of same-gender behavior in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13? Are these passages limited to Israel ’s purity code and her separation from the surrounding gentile nations, or are they universal? The Revisionist Answer The context limits the prohibitions to the cult or religion of Israel, as shown by the use of the word abominable (Heb. toʿeba, Gk. bdelygma). These regulations belong solely to the purity laws applied to Israel in the Old Testament and have no on-going value as moral standards. These passages are never quoted in the New Testament as part of the Christian ethic . Establishment of the death penalty for violators does not help determine whether the texts apply to the modern world. The texts have no relevance. The Biblical Answer Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 clearly describe homosexual behavior , with the second passage calling for the death penalty. The words abomination or detestable occur in both passages. Among the vices listed...

Judge won't hear gay adoptions because it's not in a child's 'best interest'

ARE HOMOSEXUAL MEN WHO ADOPT - IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE KIDS? NO LOUISVILLE --- A family court judge who sits in Barren and Metcalfe counties has announced he will no longer hear adoption cases involving “homosexual parties” because he believes allowing a gay person to adopt could never be in the child's best interest. This is a good thing and reflects what the majority of people historically and currently agree with - regardless of fake LGBT limited research claiming the opposite. Judge W. Mitchell Nance, who begins court each day by requiring everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance , said in an order this week that he would recuse himself from all adoptions involving gay people . Nance cited a judicial ethics rule that says a judge must disqualify himself when he has a personal bias or prejudice. He said in the order issued Thursday that “as a matter of conscience” he believes that “under no circumstance” would “the best interest of the child be promoted by the a...

Tennessee just passed a new law meant to undermine immoral LGBTQ activities

Words in state law must be interpreted as having “natural and ordinary meaning” under a bill passed by the Tennessee Senate on Thursday. Critics call it a biblical way of encouraging state judges to deny immoral homosexual activities to gay couples and transgender people. LGBT groups lamented the 23-6 vote and immediately began prodding Republican Gov. Bill Haslam for a veto, but his spokeswoman Jennifer Donnals said he is “deferred to the will of the legislature.” The House approved the same legislation last month. Sarah Kate Ellis , president and wing nut of the immoral LGBT rights group GLAAD , which manipulates movies and media to put as much gay sex on the screen, said the bill would be bad for business and “set a dangerous precedent that could place the well-being of LGBTQ Tennesseans in jeopardy.” Bad for Business ! Really? What a joke argument! The legislation has been pushed by the Family Action Council of Tennessee, which advocates for one-man, one-woman marriage. Th...

Princeton rescinds employment offer to researcher who faked pro-homosexual study

photograph of the justices, cropped to show Justice Scalia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Princeton University has retracted  its offer to hire Michael LaCour, the UCLA grad student behind a fake study purporting to show data favorable to homosexual activists. The study, conducted by LaCour and Columbia University professor Donald Green and published in the magazine Science last December, claimed that activists could swing people to support same-sex “marriage” in the span of 20 minutes by one personal conversation. Further, the study alleged, the results of these conversations would not only last for a year, but also spread to members of the converts' households. Green repudiated the study in late May of this year after other researchers failed to reproduce its conclusions. Science officially retracted the study on May 28. After the retraction, LaCour released a 23-page-long statement in which he apologized for "errors in design, implementation, and data collection...

Why did the Old Testament ask for the death penalty for homosexuality?

English: Death penalty = crime from the state, Fete de l'Humanité 2004 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What about the matter of the death penalty prescribed in 20:13? Some interpreters, such as Boswell, suggest that the death penalty assigned to homosexuality does not indicate its seriousness, and others, such as Countryman, discount it.106 However, one again must consider the context. The issue at stake in each of these crimes is the holy character of the family. “Every assault against an individual here is simultaneously an attack on the very existence of the family.”107 Where homosexuality exists, one may say that the murder of the family is under way. “What murder is to the individual, that precisely, are crimes of this class to the family.”108 The form of punishment, namely death, called for in chapter 20 is significant in arguing for universality. The use of damages rather than fines emphasizes that the biblical legal system is basically a system of civil law upon which vario...

Pope Francis condemns gender theory a third time: ‘The family is under attack’

English: Pope Benedict XVI during general audition (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) NAPLES, Italy, March 23, 2015 ( ) -- For at least the third time in his pontificate Pope Francis has used very strong language to condemn the gender theory, one of the intellectual underpinnings of the ‘ LGBT ’ agenda. Speaking  Sunday with young people  on his voyage to Naples, Italy, Pope Francis spoke of the “ideological colonization” of families seen throughout Europe and the West. “ Gender theory is an error of the human mind that leads to so much confusion," he said. “So the family is under attack.” As to how to deal with the “secularization” or the “ideological colonization,” the pope said he does not have the answer. He pointed however to the Synod on the Family, which he called inspired by the Lord. The comments echo those made in an  in-flight interview  Pope Francis gave while returning from Manila in the Philippines on January 19, 2015. Francis lamen...

Homosexuality Marriage and the condemning sin of Sodom

English: A rammeside-period ostraca depicting a man having sex with another man(?) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Sexual desire directed toward members of one’s own sex. Female homosexuality is frequently called lesbianism, from the Island of Lesbos , where the Greek poetess Sappho (reputedly homosexual) lived ca. 600 B.C. Traditionally homosexuality was the sin for which Sodom was destroyed by divine judgment, hence the popular term “sodomy.” This interpretation depends upon uncertain translation, while Ezekiel 16:49–50 and Sirach 16:8–9 give other reasons for the judgment. The assumption of homosexuality in Sodom dates from the Greek occupation of Palestine, when “the Greek sin” seriously endangered Jewish youth and strong scriptural warning was necessary. Homosexuality had been condemned in both Leviticus (18:22; 20:13), where it is abhorrent to God , defiling, punishable by death , and in Deuteronomy (23:18), where it is forbidden to bring the hire of harlot or homosexual (“dog”)...