Question: Can a person with same-sex attraction change his or her orientation? If so, how?

Question: Can a person with same-sex attraction change his or her orientation? If so, how? At one level we must answer this question with affirmative conviction. Yes, a person with same-sex attraction can change. Christians must proclaim that rebellious sinners, whether heterosexual or homosexual, can be redeemed by Christ and conformed to his image by the Holy Spirit. We can affirm this without hesitation because of God 's promises in Scripture and because of the gospel's transformative power. At the same time, the process of sanctification and the radical change from sexual sinner to a life of purity and holiness is never simple. The redemption of someone with same-sex attraction does not instantaneously produce a heterosexual orientation. The New Testament displays the difficulty of escaping patterns of temptation and sin. In Romans 7 , Paul demonstrates the tension Christians experience between new life in Christ and indwelling sin. There is simply no eas...