Transgender activists: ‘gender unicorn’ is passé; time for the ‘gender elephant’

A Canadian LGBT activist group is replacing a character meant to illustrate the “spectrum” of human gender and sexuality, demonstrating how the transgender lobby is steadily replacing objective facts with personal perception. The “ Gender Unicorn ,” a graphic designed by Trans Student Educational Resources , is an illustration of a cartoon unicorn diagramming what the group claims are five distinct aspects of sexuality: gender identity, gender expression , “sex assigned at birth” (which they say can be female, male, or “Other/Intersex”), physical attraction, and emotional attraction. In fact, “sex assigned at birth” is a misnomer for biological sex , as identifying a newborn’s sex merely recognizes what is rooted in an individual’s chromosomes and reflected in hundreds of genetic characteristics . Actual cases of hermaphroditism, in which people are born with ambiguous genitalia or their apparent sex doesn’t match their chromosomes, are extremely rare ...