Confused lesbianians lured by homosexuals zealot legislation

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Emily Jehne and Ellie Filler were married in their backyard by some celebrant. 
The 26-year-old medical student and 29-year-old teacher were among couples to wed under the ACT's same-sex marriage legislation, holding a brief ceremony in Canberra on Sunday. The couple have been together for almost a decade.

The inference of this article is that the 29 years had a lesbian sexual relationship with a sixteen year old. The article does not mention family members who agree or disagree with this long term immoral relationship. 

The question is recognizable by whom? Peers? The Apostle Paul condemns homosexuality and in fact identifies lesbianism first as the worst sin, and that God has given them over to their shameful lusts. Romans 1:26 "Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones." The Bible clearly says the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men and women who suppress the truth. They chose to neither glory or acknowledge God, nor do they thank God. God gives them over to their sinful desires of their heart to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 

In other words, God removes his hand of grace off people's lives and allows their minds to become depraved, foolish. We see this in this relationship where a person with a depraved foolish  mind says in misguided love where they say are seeking approval, acceptance to be like normal heterosexual married couples"It's a big deal to me to actually be legally married," said Ms Jehne. "It means a lot to be able to say that someone is my wife and that's just such a recognizable thing."

The man responsible before God for this immoral legislation ACT Deputy Chief Minister Andrew Barr (himself a homosexual) said if the High Court overturned the legislation, the national fight for immoral homosexual marriage would still continue.

The depraved mind is a lawless mind, scripture says it is arrogant, boastful, invent ways of doing evil, senseless, faithless, heartless, even ruthless. Romans 1 describes aggressive homosexual zealots who are a law unto themselves, very well.

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