BuzzFeed and Their Relentless Anti-Christian Bigotry

Ben Smith and BuzzFeed seem intent to remind culturally conservative black, Hispanic, and white Democratic voters who all went for Trump that they made the right decision. While Smith continues to defend the character assassination of Chip and Joanna Gaines written by Kate Aurthur on his site, the reality is that millions and millions of Americans not only support the Gaines family, but voted for Trump because people like Smith and Aurthur made them feel under imminent assault for holding multi-thousand year old beliefs still shared by a majority of people on the planet. To maliciously target a Christian couple in an attempt to ruin their careers merely for holding to orthodox Christian beliefs just affirms the left’s increasing bigotry toward people of faith. The dictionary defines bigotry as “intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.” Kate Aurthur, Ben Smith, and BuzzFeed are showing absolute bigotry toward Chip and Joanna Gaines by publishing an art...