
Showing posts with the label Heuer

Pro-marriage Republicans win big in Indiana state elections

INDIANAPOLIS, IN, May 8, 2014 ( ) -- Pro-family and religious groups  showed their clout  in Indiana politics Tuesday, ousting two Republicans who opposed a marriage amendment earlier this year and successfully defending several vulnerable allies. Two Republican members of the state House , Kathy Heuer and Rebecca Kubacki , lost their races after opposing a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex “marriage” in the state. In addition to ousting Heuer and Kubacki in favor of Christopher Judy and Curt Nisly, respectively, family groups made sure Rep. Eric Turner won against a challenger despite an ethics controversy. Indiana Rep. Eric Turner Turner was given special attention by pro-family organizations because he was the sponsor of the constitutional amendment.  While he was found innocent  of the charges brought against him, it made his re-election campaign more difficult. The investigation focused on Turner's public and behind-the-scen...