Australia: Homosexuality and their new morality

A new censorship has arisen which threatens the right of individuals and groups to dissent from the new morality. Oppose abortion? Unthinkable. Suggest that people who aren't born with wombs but who want to call themselves 'women' aren't actually women? Disgusting. Argue dispassionately that the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman? You should be ashamed of yourself. And so we have former PM Tony Abbott being invited to speak to America's Alliance Defending Freedom , which is, to describe it in its own terms, "an alliance-building legal ministry that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith", or, to describe it in the terms of the Australian media, a " gay-hate group " - and copping a barrage of outrage. I have found nothing in the ADF literature which could be fairly characterised as "gay hate". What you have to remember is that the American habit of fighting ideological battles through the ...