Normalization of the abomination of homosexuality

Conservatives politicians and bible believing churches see same-sex marriage as incompatible with what they regard as the traditional definition of a union between a man and a woman. In fact, followers of Christ see gay marriage as disordered love, empowered by demonic forces to destroy Holy matrimony. Others on the radical left do not see the point in fighting for something they keep saying is inherently flawed. There is no doubt that marriage today doesn't match Christian marriage ideals especially with marriage being based on feeling rather than covenant and easy divorce. The radical left see marriage as a conservative institution that has long been used as a tool of oppression, power and the oppression of women . The LGBTQ people pushed gay marriage to make gay people fit into cookie-cutter relationships that makes their love more palatable to society. This critique is known as "assimilation". Unfortunately, it fails with people of faith. It succeed...