
Showing posts with the label Catechism of the Catholic Church

Pro-gay Vatican activist priest: Catechism teaching on homosexuality ‘needs to be updated’

The Jesuit priest recently  given an influential Vatican post  thinks the Church’s language in regard to homosexual acts needs to be changed. Father James Martin , editor-at-large of the Jesuit-run  America  magazine, said the Catechism of the Catholic Church ’s use of the term intrinsically disordered in regard to homosexual acts is “needlessly hurtful.” He offered “differently ordered”  as preferable, because it could express the concept “more pastorally.” Asked whether he affirmed and agreed with the Catechism’s “teaching or language” that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered, Father Martin replied that he is not a theologian, but he “would say  some of the language used in the Catechism on that topic needs to be updated, given what we know now about homosexuality.” His response did not clarify what understanding of homosexuality he referred to, or when or how it came about. Father Martin  is a prolific public supporter of LGB...

Pope Francis same-sex ‘marriage’ in exhortation

Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation   Amoris Laetitia   is a sprawling document that seeks to address the wide variety of challenges facing the family today – from widespread divorce, pornography, artificial reproductive technologies, gender theory , cohabitation, internal family strife, and much more. Much of the debate over the document will likely focus on Pope Francis’   treatment of the question   of whether the Church can admit divorced and remarried Catholics to the sacraments. The furor over the so-called 'Kasper proposal' to loosen the Church's restrictions had dominated the headlines and discussions during last year's Synod on the Family . In today's exhortation, the pope   stakes out   a markedly more liberal position on the issue than his precedessors. (Read about that   here .) However, on numerous other hot-button issues, the Pope upholds the traditional teaching, including on abortion, euthanasia, gender theory, gay ‘marria...

Top 12 studies showing risks to couples in same-sex unions

Last month the LGBT-activist Human Rights Campaign (HRC) carried out its latest campaign  –  targeting eight Catholic bishops in the U.S.  who publicly expressed support for traditional marriage, the Courage apostolate and, in some cases, even quoted the constant teaching of the Church (see  CCC nos. 2357 -2359 ) concerning homosexual conduct and persons with same-sex attraction ( SSA ). The aim of this Synod-related effort was to push for the acceptance of homosexual conduct and unions by the Catholic Church and to marginalize bishops who spoke out against such conduct and unions. The demonstrations against these bishops likely had no effect on the Extraordinary Synod or the targeted bishops. The HRC-friendly confusing language on homosexual persons and unions in the interim report was replaced by paragraph 55 in the final, official  Relatio , which reverted to Catholic teaching as set forth in the Catechism. Yet, a surprising one-third of the bishops at ...

Boston St. Pat’s Parade rescinds invite to gay group, says application was a ‘ploy’

Immaculate Heart of Mary 's iconic float in Boston's St. Patrick's Day Parade Co-authored with Patrick Craine BOSTON, March 6, 2014 – The organizers of Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade have rescinded their controversial invitation to a homosexual advocacy group , saying they believe the group’s application was a “ploy” made under “false pretenses.” The news comes days after a Catholic school said it would withdraw its iconic float and school band from the March 16 celebration because of the decision. "In the footsteps of St. Patrick, [Immaculate Heart of Mary School] does not condone and will not appear to condone the homosexual lifestyle,” Brother Thomas Dalton, the school’s principal, said in a statement reported by the  Telegram . "This float has become the Icon of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in South Boston appearing in all types of media whenever the parade is mentioned," said Dalton. "The familiar scene of St. Patrick joyful...

On homosexuality, the ‘yuck factor’ is not enough

In our increasingly superficial culture, many moral decisions are made based on surface appearances, emotional reactions to those appearances, and an alarming lack of intellectual or volitional activity to check those emotional reactions. This has serious ramifications for all of us, who want to evangelize the larger society of which we are a part. Whereas many of the issues we might consider as specimens of this would be on the “left” side of the cultural divide — abortion, contraception, divorce, etc. — I will focus on only one issue, and keep myself to censuring those on the “right” side of that divide. (And the word “right” has a double meaning here.) The issue is homosexuality. I am taking issue with those who are fundamentally correct in opposing the vice, but inadequately rooted in their principles and therefore unreliable in their actions. The sin of Sodom is a grave matter, which means that to commit it is a sin, i.e., something so heinous that one instance of ...

Franciscan U of Steubenville under investigation for teaching homosexuality as deviant

Franciscan University of Steubenville (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) STEUBENVILLE, OH , September 11, 2012 ( ) - The national agency which grants accreditation to social work courses is questioning Franciscan University of Steubenville over a course which lists homosexuality as a deviant behavior.  Attention was drawn to the course by a group of Franciscan University alumni, identifying themselves as “Franciscan Gay Alumni & Allies”, who are demanding publicly that the university “revise its course descriptions and to stop contributing the culture of hate and ignorance.” The course is called ‘ Deviant Behavior ’ and the part of the course description in question states, “The behaviors that are primarily examined are murder, rape, robbery, prostitution, homosexuality, mental illness, and drug use.” In the press release issued by “Franciscan Gay Alumni & Allies” and published by the Daily Kos , further accusations and demands are made, based solely on...

Lesbian with kids in Catholic school demands removal of Catechism quote on homosexuality

Image via Wikipedia Late Night Catechism (Photo credit: Mark Sardella ) BOWMANVILLE, Ontario , March 16, 2012 ( ) – A self-proclaimed ‘lesbian’ whose two children attend a Catholic school near Peterborough is demanding that the Peterborough Catholic school board remove a Catechism quote dealing with homosexuality from a school pamphlet. Ann Michelle Tesluk has started an online petition to pressure the board to action and describes her activities as gearing to make the Catholic Church into an “openly gay friendly church.” The  pamphlet in question , however, is controversial from more than one perspective.  While quoting the Catechism that the homosexual inclination is “objectively disordered”, the pamphlet also misrepresents Catholic teaching in numerous ways. The pamphlet calls on schools to highlight homosexual role models and familiarize students with terms like “ LGBTQQ ” and “two-spirited.” It indicates that Canada legalized same-sex “marriage” i...