Lawless Judicial tyranny - next jail anybody who speaks against homosexual marriage?

The outrageous action of a federal judge who has imprisoned Kentucky clerk Kim Davis for not wishing to personally being involved in certifying a same-sex 'marriage' because doing so violates her Christian beliefs. This was a lawless ruling by the judge! Federal law requires government to seek a reasonable accommodation for officials who have religious objections to things like this, but the judge ignored Kim's pleas to find an accommodation. Instead, he sent her to jail and ordered her employees to issue gay 'marriage' licenses that bear her name. We must stand up to this judicial tyranny! Kim Davis did not pick this fight with gay activists; she has been working hard to attempt to resolve a conflict that was created when the US Supreme Court illegitimately ruled last June that every state in the nation must license same-sex 'marriages.' For example, she asked that her name be removed from the license, but the state refused, even though...