LGBT indoctrination - remove your kids from public school

If the progressive Left can claim one cultural victory that is nearly total, it is their infiltration and conquest of the public education system. Public schools across the Western world —especially Canada , the United States, and Great Britain—now serve as purveyors of post-modern ideology, replete with “ social justice ” classes and sex education that is designed to mainstream a wide variety of alternative lifestyles. The latest news on this front is out of the UK . From Breitbart : Announcing an ‘ LGBT -inclusive’ update to all of its products, education giant Pearson has launched a guide to pushing ‘social justice’ activism in every part of the school curriculum . ‘Creating an LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum’ was produced by LGBT activist group Stonewall and is sponsored by Pearson , which owns the exam board Edexcel and publishes thousands of school textbooks as one of the UK’s biggest education companies. Claiming an inclusive curriculum ...