
Showing posts with the label gay sin gay lies

More Corporations Promote Same-Sex Marriage. Does Anyone Care?

The 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision to extend legal marriage rights to same-sex couples was a legal loss for social conservatives. It was the latest of many cultural losses on marriage . It seems every month brings news of further losses in its wake. This month, Jared’s and Macy’s threw same-sex “marriage” in America’s face. Few seemed to care. What Did Jared Do? Jewel company Jared released several “Dare”-themed ads on November 8. One criticized by authors at The Federalist and The Washington Examiner showed a woman asking a man to marry her. This “Dare to Ask Him” ad broke norms, but it didn’t endorse moral wrong. Meanwhile, there was little complaint about two ads which endorsed same-sex sexual relationships. One 15-second ad was titled “Dare to Make a Scene.” That ad was included in a longer ad called “ Dare to be Devoted .” Both show two men at a nightclub singing onstage. One of the men asks the other to “marry” him. The men hug in joy in front of a crowd. The reverse-enga...

The false script: Homosexual youth are suicidal

During adolescence, dealing with emerging sexuality becomes a critical developmental task. The normal difficulties associated with this developmental process are heightened for homosexual minority youth who must simultaneously negotiate the stigma and sin of homosexuality. Adolescence is defined by multiple developmental transitions; and that multiple stressful transitions may put adolescents at risk.  This is a useful lens through which to view the developing awareness of sinful homosexuality. Managing the transition into the awareness of homosexual minority status is stressful like all adolescent developmental challenges but more so because it potentially involves fundamental changes in the significant relationships that structure adolescents’ lives: family, friends and peers, teachers, and other caring adults. The media happily promote sinful homosexual as something good and healthy, their music world approves it, movies promote it but Christianity calls it a sin. ...

Woman Raised by Lesbian Couple - I Ached Every Day For a Dad

Heather Barwick, who was raised by her mother and her mother's lesbian partner, wrote in an essay this week that same-sex "marriage" is not the same as normal marriage between a man and a woman, that the traditional family is best, and that while growing up she "ached every day for a dad." Heather Barwick, who was raised by her mother and her mother's lesbian partner, says " gay marriage " not only redefines marriage but also parenting and that "as a little girl, I so desperately wanted a daddy." Barwick, who is 31 now, married, and has four children, said that "same-sex marriage and parenting withholds either a mother or father from a child while telling him or her that it doesn't matter. That it's all the same. But it's not." "A lot of us, a lot of your kids, are hurting," wrote Barwick in her essay for The Federalist website. "My father's absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached...

LGBTQ People Are Out-Of-Touch Elites

Commentators and politicians are now seeing clearly that the LGBTQ community is the new elite, self-centered, out of touch group with real life concerns. They claim oppression, the claim the victim card, they claim discrimination. They claim homosexuality is a human right but it isn't.  Homosexuality is trendy at the moment among those who are confused and lacking confidence. People are claiming to come out only to seek attention then go back to their own lives when they realize their errors and the depravity of the LGBTQ lifestyle.  LGBTQ rights are a luxury opt-in items that are a huge distraction from the economy, unemployment, possibility of war and rising income inequality . It is clearly seen now that the LGBTQ agenda is so self-focused. In Australia , they ignore a whole range of social issues , employment issues and continually barrage parliament with homosexual marriage bills much to the disgust and frustration of most Australians who want to see the ...

Using the Bible to oppose homosexuality is a rather recent occurrence. True or False?

Objection Stated   Using the Bible to oppose homosexuality is a rather recent occurrence. Similar to the previous argument about the word “homosexual,” it is commonly claimed that the Bible only recently is being interpreted to condemn homosexuality. It is argued that translations of certain passages are being accomplished in accordance with “anti-gay bias” and that such opposition from the church has not always been present. Daniel Helminiak wrote,   Taken on its own terms and in its own time, the Bible nowhere condemns homosexuality as we know it today.… It should be considered outrageous for any educated person to quote the Bible to condemn homosexuality.… A millennium ago, Western society was rather indifferent to homosexuality and even supportive of it.”8 Later he offered these surprising comments:   Since about the 12th Century , this story [regarding the destruction of Sodom ] has been commonly taken to condemn homosexuality. The very word “sodomit...

Homosexual sex scandal leads to Italian anti-discrimination chief’s resignation

The director of Italy ’s National Office for Racial Discrimination resigned this week after an investigation uncovered that public tax funds were allegedly used to finance scandalous gay orgies. Francesco Spano stepped down February 20 after he was confronted by Maria Elena Boschi , secretary of the Council of Ministers of Italy. Boschi accused Spano of using government funds to pay homosexual associations that support male prostitution. Evidence revealed a conflict of interest since Spano is a member of one of those groups. A public notice explained that Spano’s “demission wants to be a sign of respect to the role and the work that the UNAR has done and continues to do […] against every form of discrimination.” An investigation by journalists from the Italian show   Le Iene   uncovered that Spano approved budgets up to 55,000 Euros of UNAR’s tax revenue to support associations that run gay sex clubs under the guise of “social services.” “In reality, these cir...

Ben Carson: Homosexuals are not deserving of equal rights - because it is a sinful choice

Donald Trump has made official his selection of Ben Carson as head of the Department of Housing & Urban Development — someone who has made vehemently anti-LGBT comments and expressed opposition to non-discrimination laws. Media outlets reported late last month the commentator and John Hopkins University neurosurgeon would be Trump’s choice to oversee the nation’s policy on housing and metropolises, but the president-elect waited until Monday to declare the choice formally. Carson, formerly Trump’s competitor for the Republican presidential nomination, endorsed the president-elect early on after dropping out of the race. “I am thrilled to nominate Dr. Ben Carson as our next secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development,” Trump said. “Ben Carson has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communities. We have talked at length about my urban renewal agenda and our message of economic revival, very much ...