Trendy Homosexuality and Religious Freedom diminshed

Now that Australia has, in response to the vote in a postal survey, redefined the law of marriage to allow same-sex couples to be married, what are the implications for the religious freedom of those who believe this is contrary to God’s will? This paper will simply outline some issues, all of which will need careful further thought. [2] One preliminary point worth noting is that many of these matters are issues which would have come up even if the Australian public had not voted to change the definition of marriage to include same sex couples. Biblical Christians have been ‘out of step’ with the broader Western culture ’s views on sex and marriage for some time. [3] But there are some specific issues that arise with the change inthe nature of marriage, especially around the law on solemnising marriage. And there seems little doubt that the ‘moral imperative’ to approve homosexual behaviour given by the statutory recognition of same sex marriage ( SSM ) will encourage further oppos...