Knives out in New Jersey for Jewish non-profit helping people with unwanted gay attractions

A shocking attack on the freedom and privacy of the relationship between private counselors and their clients is currently underway in New Jersey. The wealthy left-wing activist group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is seeking to destroy a small Jewish non-profit known as JONAH—Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing. JONAH’s offense? Referring clients with unwanted same-sex attractions (usually, but not always, Jewish) to counselors who can help them to overcome those attractions and live lives consistent with the biblical teaching of the Torah. The weapon being used by the SPLC is New Jersey’s unusually draconian “consumer fraud” statute, with SPLC arguing that to claim sexual orientation is changeable and that counseling can help effect such change is inherently fraudulent. One might think that homosexual activists, who have long demanded respect for their own personal autonomy in making choices about how to respond to their own sexual attractions, would...