Boy Scouts formalizes policy allowing openly gay leaders - would you as a parent trust your sons to a homosexual?

The Boy Scouts of America took the final step Monday in lifting its ban on Scout leaders who openly profess homosexuality – but many gay activists decried the change for not going far enough. The BSA executive committee passed a resolution to lift the ban two weeks ago. On Monday, July 27, the National Executive Board ratified the decision , with 79% of the board's 80 members agreeing. The shift in policy incurred lukewarm approval from homosexual activists, with many expressing disapproval of the policy’s religious exemption clause. Gary Signorile, the editor-at-large for the Huffington Post 's "Gay Voices" site, blasted the BSA's provision allowing individual chapters to cleave to their consciences on the matter of same-sex-attracted Scout leaders. "By allowing the religious-affiliated troops to still ban gay adults," Signorile wrote, "the BSA is making a religious exemption seem like a reasonable compromise when in fact it i...