Homosexual Marriage - two things cant be true at the same time

TRUTH IS REPLACED BY RIGHTS AND HURT FEELINGS The kids are okay. Shut up. That’s the message from the same-sex marriage movement . To argue for the right of children to be able to know the love and nurture, wherever possible, of their mother and father is simply bigotry, hatred and ignorance. That is what we are being told now before the law is changed. I wonder what will happen if we lose the plebiscite. Will advocating for mother and fathering of children, wherever possible, become hate speech? I’m worried about this. The same-sex marriage movement is also worried that our concern for children’s rights might lose them votes. Yesterday the Medical Journal of Australia published an article which reported on a survey of research which claims that family structure is irrelevant to the raising of a child. That it is possible for two men or two women to love a child and produce positive outcomes for that child is not in dispute. But the idea that the “no difference” case is closed is ...