The LGBTQ Left is forcing Christians out of colleges

My Twitter feed has exploded in recent weeks, with plentiful panic about the pitiable state of free speech on college campuses. Big cases—big because they both worsen and reveal the deep structural wounds caused by the purge of Christian and conservative professors—played out this week: John McAdams , Anthony Esolen , Rebecca Tuvel , Paul McHugh , Carol Swain , Keith Fink , and Paul Griffiths . The left became horrendous because the left was wrong. Their prescriptions about improving race relations did not work because they were wrong. They were wrong about homosexuality and now we see the falsehoods of the LGBT movement growing more arrogant and multiplying as people who were celebrated for their errors now see further false affirmations as their entitlement, and Truth as an attack on their fragile sense of self. The Truth is on our side. I know of other professors, and of people who know of still others, who are in similar purges...