Canadian church abandons the Gospel to appease LGBTQ lobby

In the backrooms of the increasingly powerful LGBTQ activist movement, high-fives are no doubt still being exchanged liberally today as they celebrate yet another massive victory over Christianity and traditional values. In a shocking act of apparent complete symbolic prostration, the Presbyterian Church leadership of Canada set up a commission last year and named it the "Rainbow Communion," with the intent of researching the idea of having the church officially and publicly repent for its sins against the LGBTQ community. To the average non-Christian the creation of a "Rainbow Communion" might seem on its face to be rather innocuous in nature, but this is only true because people today are so used to seeing the LGBTQ community draping itself in the rainbow flag. But within the Judeo-Christian religious tradition, the rainbow has served as one of its most important and enduring symbols for several thousand years. The rainbow was not an arbitrary symbol...