So-Called "Gay Marriage" is No Marriage at All

THE PLAIN AND SIMPLE TRUTH ABOUT ATTENDING A " GAY MARRIAGE " I am hearing of this more and more—that a Christian has been invited to attend a "wedding" between two men or two women. It is usually from a relative, a close friend, or perhaps their own child. A Christian, who is faced with a decision whether to attend or not, processes through many questions with heartache. There is always the desire to be loving and kind to a loved one. A Christian really needs to consider what message that they are sending when they choose to attend the so-called "gay wedding" event. Knowingly or unknowingly, to attend a so-called "gay marriage" is to be a witness and usually suggests an affirmation of the event. Many well-meaning Christians do not realize that the truth is being compromised when they attend. "Gay marriage" is no marriage at all; however, it certainly is a covenant between two people. It is a defiling covenant, egregious in the si...