Marco Rubio: Born gay? Science says: No - Republican Candidate says: Yes

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20, 2015 ( ) – This weekend, Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio said that one's "sexual preference" is an inborn trait and cannot be chosen. “You have said you're against gay 'marriage,'” interviewer Bob Schieffer said, casting his eyes away from the Florida senator, to each side on CBS's Face the Nation this weekend. “Do you think that homosexuality is a choice?” “It's not that I'm against gay marriage, but I believe the definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman,” Rubio began. He said those who wish to change the immemorial definition of marriage should engage in a “political debate” and win others to their side, not impose their views from above. “I don't believe that courts should be making that decision, and I don't believe same-sex marriage is a constitutional right.” Then he answered Schieffer's question about genetics. “I...