
Showing posts with the label gay sinful lifestyle

Australia: Homosexual force Christians to cancel meeting - with physical threats

The Left claims a debate on gay marriage will unleash the haters. But these hypocrites meant themselves - and now threats by same-sex marriage activists have forced Christians to cancel a meeting . A ferocious campaign against Christian groups planning to meet on same-sex marriage has forced them to cancel the event at a major hotel next week, amid claims of physical threats from marriage-equality advocates. The Accor Hotels group confirmed late yesterday that the function had been abandoned after a social media storm triggered phone calls that “rattled” employees and left the company concerned about the safety of staff and guests. In the first test of the “civil” debate promised for a plebiscite on gay marriage, advocates for the “yes” case were being blamed last night for the kind of “ hate speech ” that Bill Shorten and others have claimed would come from the “no” case. A spokeswoman for the Mercure Sydney Airport Hotel said the campaign by marriage-equality advocates had forced...

Obama’s transgender decree is harming the military

Joining a growing consensus of military leaders, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said President Obama’s decision to allow transgender people to serve openly in the military is bogging enlisted men down with irrelevant matters and social engineering. "Too often, way too often, our troops are instead are distracted by trivial matters, trivial matters about what words to use, what terminology is politically correct and what bathroom door to open up,” he told the Republican National Convention in a prime time speech delivered on Monday. “My God, war is not about bathrooms. War is not about political correctness or words that are meaningless." Flynn had been floated as a possible vice presidential candidate, but the party’s grassroots objected that the retired Air Force general was a   registered Democrat who supported abortion-on-demand   and redefining marriage, both positions at odds with the 2016 Republican Party platform . However, on this issue, he joins the majority of Rep...

LGBT Puppeteer -Cultural Bully with their manufactured radicals

All of this H8 and homophobic bigotry anti- God is manufactured and has become the standard fare for LGBT radicals and their allies. They do not want to actually debate the merits of the issues so they declare anything they oppose to be "discrimination" and "anti-gay" and attempt to demonize all those who oppose their agenda. There's no tolerance for opposite views but they label, and brand people as merchants of hate. Governor Bryant in Mississippi is standing strong and now it's our turn to stand with him. Please act immediately to express your thanks to this courageous defender of the rights of Christians and people of faith and let him know that you salute his leadership. Together we can fend off the cultural bullies, but we must act proactively to do so. We cannot be silent while the radicals wail mindlessly about this critical legislation. Related articles Project One America Engages with Community Around Lent and Easter Sunday ( ...

LGBT Puppeteer -Cultural Bully with their manufactured radicals

As you know, we secured a tremendous victory for the rights of Christians and other people of faith to be able to live out the truth of marriage without fear of being targeted or punished by the government for doing so.  When Governor Phil Bryant signed this critical religious liberty legislation (HB 1523) into law, he took a courageous step in defiance of threats from LGBT extremists and their allies in Hollywood , corporate America and big-time sports leagues. Now we must stand up for Governor Bryant to confront the cultural bullies who, right on cue, are threatening boycotts, economic punishment and reputational ruin. Because of his leadership, no pastor, church or religious group will be forced to participate in a gay ‘wedding.' No florist, baker, photographer or other professional will have to be involved in a gay ‘wedding' in violation of their religious beliefs. Religious schools, universities and social service groups can continue to maintain personnel and hous...

Corporate watchdog identifies businesses attacking religious liberty in Georgia and North Carolina

Gay rights are not human rights - when based on opinion only. As legislative battles in both Georgia and North Carolina have waged in recent weeks, 2nd Vote has found hundreds of companies joining forces with anti-religious liberty advocacy groups in these states. The two principal business alliances organizing against the legislative efforts to protect religious liberty are  Georgia Prospers  and  Equality NC , respectively. “Georgia Prospers and Equality NC have enlisted the the influence of a very powerful, big business lobby in coordinated effort to bully these states to give way to a radical, liberal agenda,” said 2nd Vote Executive Director Lance Wray in a statement. “These companies and their allies are promoting an agenda that should be concerning to conservatives and all who value religious liberty." 2nd Vote’s research found that the following companies were listed on websites for both Georgia Prospers and Equality NC: Accenture Bank of Americ...

Anal cancer rise in gay men prompts calls for vaccinations

Gardasil vaccine and box (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The BMA has called for the HPV immunisation programme to be widened to include gay men , in an effort to tackle ‘alarming’ rates of HPV-related disease. According to a report this week in   Pulse Magazine , Colm O’Mahony, chair of the BMA’s dermatology and venereology subcommittee and BMA public health committee co-chair Penelope Toff have written to health minister Anna Soubry supporting offering the Gardasil vaccine to gay men. The BMA letter said that although it would be difficult to identify young gay men for a vaccine programme, the HPV vaccine could be administered at genitourinary medicine clinics or community sexual health clinics, perhaps as an add-on vaccination for patients receiving a hepatitis B vaccination. The letter added that ‘the increasing incidence of HPV and development of anal lesions in gay men, particularly HIV positive gay men, is alarming...