Australia: Coopers controversy: Less politics, more beer please

THERE is a simple and elegant solution to the problem of people being annoyed by brewers doing promotional deals with the Bible Society , or phone companies waving the rainbow flag for gay marriage : Stop listening. Stop caring. Stop paying attention to anything that a business has to say about anything that is not connected to its core business . If a manufacturer wants to make noise about trade policy or the price of electricity , fair enough, that’s bread and butter stuff. But if that same company decides to start playing in the social policy arena, the most appropriate response is to say “what would they know?” and move on. In a healthy society people can have disagreements with one another and still do business together. Likewise, in an ideal world companies would stick to providing quality goods and services rather than believing their success is dependent on their political stances. But in an unhealthy society, not so much. That is why the events of the past week were s...