Australia: Safe Schools judge co-chair of gay youth group Twenty10

An academic paid with government money to independently evaluate the controversial Safe Schools Coalition anti-bullying program is the co-chair of a gay and transgender organisation that was promoted in the school material. University of Sydney academic Cristyn Davies is one of the researchers undertaking a $270,000 evaluation of the program. She is also the co-chair of Twenty10, a counselling service for young gay and transgender people. Access to the Twenty10 service was promoted on the Safe Schools materials through the All of Us resource. Liberal MP George Christensen , who is hostile towards Safe Schools, this month said in parliament that one of the biggest concerns he had with the program was the links to outside resources such as Twenty10. “The safe Schools All of Us teaching resource directs students to the LGBT organisation Twenty10. On the 19th of January this year, Twenty10 held a hands- on workshop for youth on sex toys and sadomasochistic practices,” Mr Christense...