This is not about bigotry or homophobia. This is about fact

Primary school children should be educated with a rainbow world view where mothers or fathers might need to go to the doctor to change their gender. Should the Australian people, rather than politicians, decide if their children are subjected to compulsory gender theory education in schools through the Safe Schools program? That’s right kids, your daddy might actually be a lady who needs surgery to affirm this “reality”. This is according to recent research on children as young as five conducted by Safe Schools advocates from Adelaide’s Flinders University. We should not be surprised at this. After all, one of the most relentless political debates of the past six years has been about removing the gender requirement from the legal definition of marriage. If gender matters not in marriage, how can it be a requirement for parenting ? Never mind biology folks, that is irrelevant. And if gender matters not in parenting, we must not allow young minds to think it matters to them. If we do...