Confused transgender student becomes prom king, now he’s suing to use the boys’ bathroom

A confused transgender 16-year-old boy from Wisconsin filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday alleging that his school district violated his civil rights by refusing to treat him as a boy, including by requiring him to use the girls’ bathroom, directing security guards to monitor his restroom use and repeatedly referring to him by his birth name and female pronouns. The complaint against the Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 was filed on the same day a transgender boy from Maryland filed a similar federal lawsuit, a sign of the intensifying legal battle over the rights of transgender students in the nation’s public schools. The student’s lawyers identified him as Ash Whitaker, an honors student at Kenosha’s George Nelson Tremper High School who is involved in extracurricular activities ranging from the orchestra and tennis team to the Astronomical Society. Whitaker made national headlines in April when he tried to run for prom king, but his school told him he had to run for prom queen i...