Born gay? Born Transgender? By Michael Brown

That’s what two recent headlines proclaim. What are we to make of this? Before we evaluate these announcements, it’s important to understand that we are not discussing people who are intersex. Those people have a biological or chromosomal abnormality in terms of their sex. By very definition, they are born that way. It’s Not the First Time It’s also important to remember the many sensational headlines that proclaimed a gay gene (or the like) had been discovered. Every few years, a new “discovery” would be made “proving” that people were born gay. That would soon be replaced by the latest “discovery.” None proved definitive. Back in February 1992, a cover story for Newsweek featured the face of an infant. Printed on its face was question, “Is This Child Gay?” In July 1993, The New York Times ran a story titled, “Report Suggests Homosexuality Is Linked to Genes.” Yet today, 25 years later, even left-leaning, LGBT -affirming organizations do not claim people are born gay....