Religion is being weaponized against gays, claims homosexual ‘marriage’ icon

Jim Obergefell, the man whose name will be forever associated with the institution of genderless marriage in the United States, said he “was heartbroken and devastated,” by the Supreme Court’s Masterpiece Cakeshop decision . But more than that, Obergefell is frightened. Very frightened. It’s not the actuality of the ruling that scares him; it’s the boogeymen he has concocted in order to shoo away any second-guessing about the high court’s judgement in his favour three years ago. “After deciding in favour of marriage equality in Obergefell v. Hodges,” asked Obergefell in a commentary written for The Advocate , “how could Justices Kennedy, Kagan, and Breyer rule in favour of legalized discrimination under the guise of religious freedom?” Obergefell’s reaction to the ruling then launches into ever-increasing hyperbole . He says this signals the beginning of the legalization of discrimination. More specifically...