
Showing posts with the label conflict

YouTube-Google Accused of Homophobia for Promoting My Video on LGBTQ Channels

Offending the LGBTQ community on YouTube was never my intent. We spoke the truth in love, and it is that God’s truth that sets us free. YouTube/Ask Dr. Brown I never thought I’d see the day when YouTube and Google were accused of homophobia, but that day has come. And somehow, I’m right in the thick of it. YouTube and Google are getting slammed for advertising one of my videos. Here’s the relevant background. On May 2, we launched the first video in our new animated series called “Consider This.” The video was entitled “ Can You Be Gay and Christian? ”. We promoted it through all of our normal social media and internet channels. We also paid for advertising on  Facebook  and YouTube. (Although we have roughly 1,300 videos on our YouTube channel, this was the first video we ever paid to advertise there.) Our intended audience was primarily the conservative Christian community, because of which the ad words we used were Faith, Beliefs, Bible, Christian, Christi...