Kim Davis may be the face of the marriage resistance - but she’s not the only clerk fighting

Kim Davis isn't the only county clerk refusing to lend her name as an elected official to the U.S. Supreme Court's edict imposing homosexual "marriage" on the nation. Others are doing so without the media display, being sued, or ending up in jail . A total of three Kentucky clerks have refused to issue "marriage" licenses to same-sex couples, along with nine Alabama counties , according to NBC News . Davis has been made the face of resistance to judicial tyranny . None of these others has. Davis was released from jail Tuesday after being incarcerated on a contempt of court charge last week, for declining based upon her religious beliefs to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Davis contended that putting her name as county clerk on the licenses was synonymous with her giving approval. She had refused to issue licenses to opposite-sex couples as well, so as to not discriminate against anyone. Last Frida...