Australia: Kambala Christian Anglican School hires homosexual teachers

Here you have Christian parents who pay good money to send their daughters to an Anglican school being told off for asking that their teachers abide by a Christian ethos. Anglican school Kambala hits back after complaints about gay teachers. The school quotes scripture liberally but disobeys scripture by blindly employing homosexuals prohibited by scripture, and judged by God as one of the grestest sins. But this is Sydney - capital of homosexual pride march! The school council at the Sydney Anglican girls’ school Kambala has been applauded for publicly admonishing the biblical views of two sets of parents who had complained that the employment of homosexual teachers was not “living up to our Christian values”. The school council obviously are not Christian and have no biblical understanding and possibly have not read nor support the Bible. In a letter sent out to parents on Wednesday, school council president and businesswoman Sally Herman made it clear that Kambala would not d...