Gay Marriage proponents abuse religions

Are you astonished at how quickly and radically things have changed in such a short period of time? But it’s not merely that popular opinion has shifted in favor of homosexual marriage and transgender identities. It’s that popular opinion has become openly contemptuous of those of us who still believe what the Bible teaches about sexuality and gender. At the beginning of the 2010s before the tide had turned, there were warnings about what was coming. Two, in particular, come to mind—one from Rod Dreher and the other from Robert George. In those days, gay marriage advocates would often say things like, “How does gay marriage hurt your marriage?” On the surface, the proponents of gay marriage proposed a “live and let live” arrangement: “Give us gay marriage, you have your view of marriage, and we’ll all co-exist.” In 2013, Dreher began warning of the law of merited impossibility when it comes to gay marriage. He warned that the “live and let live” thing was a fiction. Gay...