Pro Homosexual Government - remove religious freedom from religious schools introduced

As foreshadowed in the press reports noted in my previous post , the ACT Government has now introduced a Bill designed to curtail the current religious freedom enjoyed by religious schools in the Territory to operate in accordance with their beliefs. The Discrimination Amendment Bill 2018 (ACT) is an unwise proposal and it is likely that it would be invalid as contrary to Commonwealth law. I will assume the reader is familiar with the background to the Bill as noted in my previous post. Here I will just briefly indicate how it achieves its goals. The central provision is cl 6, which simply repeals s 33 of the Discrimination Act 1991 . That is the provision which at the moment allows religious schools to choose the staff whose lifestyle is consistent with the school’s religious framework, and to implement student policies which also do so. While the stated purpose is to remove the ability of schools to select or deal with staff or students based on their sexuality, in fact, it remov...