
Showing posts with the label Atlantic

Forget immoral homosexual marriage now it is immoral polygamy

Gays in committed relationships have a “partner.” Polyamorous people like Diana Adams , who runs a Brooklyn-based legal firm that fights to offer traditional marriage rights to untraditional lovers, have a “primary partner.” Primary partners because, well, polyamorists subscribe to the philosophy of being head over heels in love—or at least romantically involved—with more than one person at the same time. The Polyamory Society defines the practice as “the nonpossessive, honest, responsible and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously.” “I remember from a very young age realizing that I was bisexual and that I tended to be attracted to many different people at the same time,” Adams told Roc Morin in a recent article in The Atlantic entitled " Up for Polyamory? Creating Alternatives to Marriage ." “I really think that polyamory for me is an orientation, like being heterosexual or homosexual," Adams said. "Humans in general have a ha...

Can we change the minds of gay marriage zealots?

Image The  Atlantic  has up until now been horrendous about labeling anyone who doesn't support same-sex marriage homophobes . But they published this piece by a gay guy saying that gays should stop labeling people homophobes just because they don't agree with their hard-boiled and uncompromising "equality" ( Orwellian phrase) agenda. I thank Brandon Ambrosino for this gesture. But I don't think it's much of a game changer. I've heard this before -- many, many, many times, from the people pushing same-sex parenting. They want to listen, to understand, to be respectful ... as long as we eventually admit to having been wrong, shut up, and let them go on pushing their sexual destruction on every corner of the globe. I've been around the block with ligbitist writers too many times not to recognize this sly little game: knowing they're gett...

Being Against Gay Marriage Doesn’t Make You a Homophobe

Author: Danny Burke. Last April, Brandon Ambrosino authored one of the most compelling articles that I have read all year: “ Being Gay at Jerry Falwell’s University .” Appearing in  The Atlantic , the essay is his own story of coming out of the closet while he was an undergraduate at Liberty University . What riveted me about his account is how the Christians at Liberty University responded to the revelation of his sexuality. He had feared that they would want to stone him. But instead, he found out that quite the opposite happened. Even though professors and administrators believed homosexuality to be a sin, they loved him and embraced him with open arms. His expectations of these Christians were so low that he realized he had been suffering from “homophobia phobia .” These fundamentalist Christians didn’t turn out to be the nasty caricatures that they are often made out to be. Earlier today, Ambrosino released another article for  The Atlantic , and I think it is just...

Immoral Homosexual marriage will change marriage - and here’s how

Will same-sex marriage cause harm to opposite-sex marriage? It’s one of the most enduring questions surrounding state and national legal decisions about marriage. But the question itself is empirically unanswerable any time soon. We are arguably years away from gathering quality longitudinal, nationally representative data on the matter. And even then, assessing—let alone agreeing upon—causation will remain difficult. Same-sex marriage may, after all, be a later-stage symptom of the general deinstitutionalization of marriage rather than, as many assert, a cause of it. So the question remains less an empirical one than a theoretical one at present. And yet we can build plausible hypotheses about the broader influence of same-sex marriage by looking around the neighborhood—that is, at what we already know about gay and straight relationships, about what’s happening to marriage, the mating market, and how institutions change. In the simplest sense, of course, same-sex...