LGBT rejects study proving that “born that way” science isn’t settled

LGBT extremists claim that the science is settled when it comes to their belief that the sexually deviant and the emotionally ill transgendered are born that way. Now, after a newly released report by Johns Hopkins University proving that there is no scientific evidence that LGBT behavior is genetic , these two groups have a few more things in common. Just as believers refuse to accept scientific proof that man-caused global warming is a lie, LGBT activists refuse to accept scientific proof that being “born that way” is also a lie. And just like their global warming counterparts, LGBT activists are out to punish anyone who refuses to embrace their agenda. The Human Rights Campaign , the largest LGBT civil rights organization in America, is threatening to release the Gay Mafia to penalize Johns Hopkins with a reduction in their “Healthcare Quality Index” unless the university rejects the scientific study, and corrects the record by publicly stating that Johns Hopkins does, in f...