Girl Scouts start new troop in ‘gay pride’ center, invite ‘LGBT’ families and boys living as girls to join

SALT LAKE CITY, UT , April 17, 2015 ( ) -- The Girl Scouts are once again kicking up controversy with their “progressive” approach to sexuality, this time by starting a brand new troop aimed at gay and lesbian families and boys who consider themselves “transgender” – in other words, boys who believe they are girls trapped in biologically male bodies. "As long as a youth identifies as a girl or with girls, even if they are genderfluid on the day that they registered, then they can become a Girl Scout," said Shari Solomon-Klebba, the Utah Girl Scout outreach coordinator responsible for Salt Lake City’s first sexuality-based troop, in an interview with KUTV . The troop had its first meeting on Monday at the homosexual “ Utah Pride Center ” in socially conservative Salt Lake City – home of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (more frequently referred to as Mormonism), which has repeatedly clashed with gay activists over its traditional ...