Canada’s Girl Scouts opens doors to ‘transgender’ members with radical new guidelines

Canada ’s Girl Guide organization has produced guidelines for male-to-female transgender members that leaves it up to the troubled youths themselves to decide which washrooms they will use and whom they will sleep with on group excursions. “It’s the path of progress to destruction,” Gwen Landolt, the executive vice president of REAL Women of Canada , told LifesiteNews. A former Girl Guide, Landolt said, “We took an oath back then to support God, family and country. Now it is a case of anything goes.” The “ Guidelines for Inclusion of Transgender Members ” released on October 5, closely resemble the draft transgender guidelines prepared for the Ottawa Carleton Public School District and published by LifeSiteNews in August. Both allow the youth in question, traditionally categorized as “gender dysphoric” by the psychoanalytic professions, to determine their gender for themselves. And both allow the “trans” youth to determine whose washroom they will use and whether th...