
Showing posts with the label NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Teachers cannot opt out of teaching gay ‘marriage’ in school sex-ed classes: Scottish NHS

EDINBURGH,  – While Scottish government draft guidelines currently allow teachers with moral objections to opt-out of certain aspects of the country’s new sex-ed curriculum, several National Health Service boards have objected to the opt-out clause. They are also objecting to provisions allowing parents to opt their children out of the classes. Currently, the guidelines require teachers who have a moral objection to things like teaching about gay “marriage” to opt out, if alternative arrangements are made "where possible." But that’s not good enough, according to a submission from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde .  “It is extremely concerning that teaching staff would be provided an opportunity to refuse to participate in this particular aspect of the curriculum,” said the board, one of the largest in the country.  Sex education can be compared, they said, to “other areas of the taught curriculum where conscience may be a factor and no option to withdraw ...