
Showing posts with the label Marriage law

If we change the Marriage law - SSM


Obama-appointed federal judge strikes down Virginia’s same-sex ‘marriage’ ban

NORFOLK, VA , February 14, 2014 ( ) – Yet another federal judge has  overturned  a state law banning same-sex “marriage,” as Judge Arenda Wright Allen declared Virginia’s law enshrining true marriage unconstitutional Thursday.  The state becomes the fourth to have a legislative or voter-approved measure banning gay marriage overturned by a federal judge. “The Court is compelled to conclude that Virginia's Marriage Laws unconstitutionally deny Virginia's gay and lesbian citizens the fundamental freedom to choose to marry,” Allen wrote in her  41-page decision , which  Mother Jones  called “incredibly moving.”  “Government interests in perpetuating traditions, shielding state matters from federal interference, and favoring one model of parenting over others must yield to this country's cherished protections that ensure the exercise of the private choices of the individual citizen regarding love and family.” “We have arrived ...

Many Australians are glad the ACT Homosexual Marriage laws failed

Many Australians have welcomed the High Court’s decision to reject the ACT’s same-sex marriage laws . The ruling upholds uniformity of marriage laws across the country. The ACT’s “marriage” laws were inconsistent with the federal laws and incapable of concurrent operation. This ruling shows it is not the jurisdiction of states to legislate in regards to marriage. It’s important for marriage laws to continue to be administered federally – this is why the Marriage Act was passed in 1961 to have uniform marriage laws. Marriage between a man and a woman is good for society and beneficial for governments to uphold in legislation. It’s about providing a future for the next generation where they can be raised by their biological parents, wherever possible. Many Australians are also concerned for those same-sex couples who thought they were married under the ACT legislation. Were they fooled by the ACT labor and Green politicians?  Understandably they will be disappointed at ...

Judge orders renegade clerk to stop issuing gay ‘marriage’ licenses

HARRISBURG, PA , September 12, 2013 ( ) – A Pennsylvania judge has ruled that a county clerk does not have the authority to violate state law and issue marriage certificates to homosexuals. Montgomery County Register Wills D. Bruce Hanes became a national hero to the LGBT movement when he began issuing marriage licenses to gay couples despite the fact that a 1996 law defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Judge Dan Pellegrini Republican Governor Tom Corbett ordered him to cease and desist. Then the state Department of Health took Hanes to court, where they triumphed this morning. “Unless and until either the General Assembly repeals or suspends the Marriage Law provisions, or a court of competent jurisdiction orders that the law is not to be obeyed or enforced, the Marriage Law in its entirety is to be obeyed and enforced by all commonwealth public officials,”  ruled Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court President Judge Dan Pellegrini...

Arguments against Homosexual Marriage from reason and experience

Governments should define and establish marriage because no other institution can do that for an entire society Only a civil government is able to define a standard of what constitutes a marriage for a whole nation or whole society. No churches or denominations could do this, because they only speak for their own members. No voluntary societies could do this, because they don’t include all the people in the society. If no definition of marriage is given to an entire society, then chaos and much oppression of women and children will result. Stanley Kurtz of the Hudson Institute writes, In setting up the institution of marriage, society offers special support and encouragement to the men and women who together make children. Because marriage is deeply implicated in the interests of children, it is a matter of public concern. Children are helpless. They depend upon adults. Over and above their parents, children depend upon society to create institutions that keep them from chaos. C...