How the ‘Catholic’ version of Ontario’s sex ed grooms kids for the Sexual Revolution: Grade 6 gays and lesbianism introduced as normal

Ontario ’s Liberal government paid $250,000 to have a Catholic educators’ organization attempt to reframe lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne ’s controversial sex-education program so that it squares with Catholic teaching . But faithful Catholic parents scanning through the resources will likely be outraged — and even feel betrayed by Catholic leadership — over how much the resources deviate from authentic Catholic teaching. A Freedom of Information request earlier this month found that The Institute of Catholic Education (ICE), group of Catholic educators overseen by Ontario bishops, was paid the quarter-million dollars to develop materials to support staff in teaching the new expectations in the sex-ed curriculum as outlined by the government. The ministry has allowed Catholic schools to deliver the province’s sex-ed expectations through the schools’ already existing “ Fully Alive ” program. While there are smatterings of genuine Catholic content mi...