5 year-olds ‘in the wrong body’? New study questions irreversible treatment for confused kids

A report released this week examining the research on sexuality and gender from the biological, psychological, and social sciences has come to the conclusion that parents and doctors who treat gender-nonconforming kids by transitioning them into their preferred sex might be doing the kids more harm than good. “[Children] are increasingly receiving therapies that affirm their felt genders, and even hormone treatments or surgical modifications at young ages. But the majority of children who identify as a gender that does not conform to their biological sex will no longer do so by the time they reach adulthood. We are disturbed and alarmed by the severity and irreversibility of some interventions being publicly discussed and employed for children,” states the Sexuality and Gender report authored by Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer and Dr. Paul R. McHugh to be published in the fall 2016 edition of The New Atlantis. Regina Griggs, Executive Director of Parents and Friends ...