Church of Scotland majority wants to allow ministers in same-sex unions - ignore the Bible

The majority of the Church of Scotland ’s presbyteries have voted to allow local congregations to appoint ministers in same-sex civil partnerships. The measure is likely to be brought to the Kirk’s General Assembly in May for final approval. The denomination’s 46 presbyteries voted 32 to 14 in favor of the measure, with the Kirk revealing the results on the same day that the new law legalizing same-sex "marriage" in Scotland came into effect. The General Assembly instituted a two-year moratorium in 2009 on homosexual issues within the Kirk. In 2011 the moratorium was lifted and a theological commission was created to consider the ordination of openly and actively homosexual clergy, the blessing of same-sex unions, and to allow homosexual ministers and deacons ordained before May 2009 to be given pastoral responsibilities. The 2009 moratorium came after a firestorm of controversy leading up to the General Assembly’s decision to approve the appointment of openly ...