Confused Theologians who don't read their Bibles -use Pope Francis’ teaching to argue gay sex no longer ‘grave sin’

In a January 16, 2018 “ Commentary ” for “The National Catholic Reporter ,” Creighton University Professor Todd A. Salzman, chair of the Department of Theology at Creighton, and Michael G. Lawler, professor emeritus, disagreed with the decision by certain US Bishops to possibly deny a Catholic funeral for someone who died while in a same-sex “married” relationship. They single out Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield for specific criticism. From of a “ Decree ” issued by Paprocki, Salzman and Lawler are especially troubled with the following directive: Unless they have given some signs of repentance before their death, deceased persons who have lived openly in a same-sex marriage giving public scandal to the faithful are to be deprived of ecclesiastical funeral rites. In the case of doubt, the proper pastor or parochial administrator is to consult the local ordinary, whose judgment is to be followed. Concerning those individuals in a same-sex “marriag...