Christian B&B isn’t backing down despite $80,000 fine for refusing to host gay wedding

A Christian couple in rural Illinois vow they will never host same-sex “marriages” or civil unions at their bed and breakfast, despite having just been docked $80,000 in damages to a same-sex couple they turned away in 2011. Jim and Beth Walder were looking for a low-stress occupation when they opened the TimberCreek B&B in Paxton, Illinois in 2003. They never got their wish, having been flooded out three times since then and watched as half the trees on their pastoral property were torn down by a gale. But worse was to come. Hard on the heels of Illinois recognizing same-sex civil unions, a homosexual couple, Todd and Mark Wathen, inquired as to whether they would be hosting civil unions. “No,” responded Jim Walder. “We only do weddings.” At this point the Wathens had already been turned down by one B&B. But Walder didn’t just turn them down, the couple later complained. He hurt their feelings when he emailed them that, “We will never host same-sex civil uni...